


It was pointed out to me that this blog has rather left us hanging in the air, suspended motion if you will. We are home. We spent a couple of more days on the road, staying in ares de camping along the way. I really reccommend getting a book on the locations of these across europe, it saved us piles pf cash and we stayed in places that we wouldn't have otherwise seen.

We looked like ragamuffins on the boat, we brought up foam cushions from the van and hogged a corner, since we didn't have a cabin to sleep in. Turns out you can sleep most places if it is soft, warm and you have earplugs and an eye mask. Even on an 18 hour ferry trip, beside the kiddies play area. It reminded me of a cross between cage fighting and Lord of the Flies. But all good things end and we hit Rosslare about 4pm and are finally home.

I have to confess that the worst part of the trip is always the unpacking, in our case unpacking a lot of wine...but we are home properly now, mentally and physically and Rosita the wondervan is back in mothballs until next year


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2012

